Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Disappointed In Trust...

What is trust?! How to trust somebody that lie to you again & again?! Can someone teach me?! I used to be somebody that trust the people around me easily... I'll give 100% trust to a person until I've been betrayed... But this is not the 1st nor 2nd time... Its been countless times that I've been trying so hard to trust this person again...

To me, trust has gotto be earned by oneself... And once the trust between 2 person has been broken, it takes double the effort to earn it back... I'm really very disappointed... I've been trusting this person again & again, but I've been hurt again & again... Until now, I begin to have a feeling that the only person that I can trust and hand over my future to, is nobody but myself...

After being a mother, I believe that I've to be stronger... I gotto to know what is good & bad for my son... I need to learn to be determine in whatever decision that I've made & I'll make... I cannot let the same mistake happen over & over again... If not, next time, I won't be able to teach him the right thing... Don't wish my son to grow up with a liar and start lying to me...

So my feeling now is very disturbed... Still deciding on what to do next... But 1 thing for sure, I'm not gonna trust this person anymore... No matter how long its takes, trust between us can never be earned back again... I always believe, Do Not Take Things For Granted! One day, you'll end up with NOTHING if you don't know how to appreciate the things & people around you...

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